Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tomorrow's a New Day and a New Year!!! Let's Get Busy

Tomorrow's a new day and a new Year!  Most of us, myself included, will probably be sleeping in a little late.  Or quite frankly, we will be down right lazy tomorrow.  The men folk will be glued to the games on t.v. and it will probably be one of those days where you don't want to do much of anything.  Remember, it's a new day in a new year and we've got work to do.

Thinking about all of those Resolutions you are going to make and possibly break.  Most of them don't last through the first month, let alone the first week.  But that's o.k.  We try, fall down, get up again and try again.  I'm right there with ya and have done it every year myself.

However, this year, I want to give you one Resolution to commit yourself to.  Saving Money.  Saving money should not be something that we think about just at the holidays.  It shouldn't be something you do just because you want to put a little money aside so you can go on vacation during the summer.  Saving money should be a mind set.  Something that is so natural to you it's no different than washing your hands or making the bed (you do make your bed don't you?).

So that's my Resolution Challenge to you.  Let's start a fresh new year off on the right foot with learning how to make saving money a mind set.  It can be challenging, a hobby and it can be fun.  To me it is all of those things and more.  It's getting the most for my buck every single day.  Hence Buck-A-Day!

Go out and enjoy yourself this evening.  Be careful of your surroundings, make sure you know where your purse and wallet is at all times and don't, under any circumstances, drive under the influence.  Have Fun!!!  Smile alot!!! Laugh alot!!!  Make a memory!!! and tomorrow.....

We Begin!  And what do you do in the take inventory of course!

Peace to you all for a blessed and safe New Year!



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