Being a new Grandma and all (that's Nana to all of you in computer land), I find myself checking toy sites everywhere these days. I was on the Toys R Us site and I stumbled on their new Daily Deals with Coupons section. Man am I loving this.
My girlfriend at work has a little girl who is into the Zsu Zsu critters. Of course in my neck of the woods we would call them either a hamster or a mouse but Zsu Zsu works too. Anyway, I clicked on the section to see tomorrow's coupons and don't you know they are having 50% select Zsu Zsu items tomorrow. How lucky could I possibly get. Of course I printed the coupon and even better, it's in pdf so you know what that means. I will print a couple in case they only let me take 50% off one item at a time. You know me, I will purchase one, go out and put it in the car and come back in and buy another. I know what I will be doing on my lunch hour tomorrow.
Anyway, here's the link to the site. I suggest you check it everyday. If I have time (That's a big if right there), I'll try to put up what the coupons are for the next day. Tomorrow's coupons are 50% off select Kung Zu and Zsu Zsu products.
The time restraints are because I am trying to get ready for a Christmas party for soldiers and their families. My house has been turned into Santa's workshop but I'm lovin it.

This post is part of the Becentsable Gathering Compensated Affiliate
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