Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hasbro Board Game Rebate - The Rules

By now everyone knows about the Hasbro Board Game rebate and the sale going on at Toys R Us. Here's a couple of pointers for you to keep in mind:

1) Hasbro will not accept the computer generated rebate form so don't bother to print it out from another site. I called the Corporate Office and they said they would not accept copies of the rebate form and that it states clearly on the form that it is not to be reproduced. (I checked the back and sure enough it does.) There are plenty at the stores. They are hanging conveniently in the board games isle. If you can't find it, ask the Manger of the store for one.

2) Remember not to purchase duplicate games on the same receipt. You have to turn in the original receipt with the original rebate form. If you are being a sweetie and grabbing a couple of games for your friends, family or co-workers, purchase the same game in separate transactions so that you get the original receipts to turn in. It may be a bit of a pain, but the rebate is worth it so save your whimpering till you get to your car.

3) One rebate per family so don't try to send in two for your address because they will be sending out reject letters. If you really need to purchase duplicates of the games, take a friend and ask them to purchase the second set for you and send in the rebate for you. It should take about 6 to 8 weeks for verification of the rebate. If you send it in during the month of December, you'll has some extra spending cash just in time for Valentines Day. Yes, I know, I'm sick....always thinking ahead.

4) And now for the games.......if you go to the stores you will find they are out of just about everything that is on sale and included in the rebate, with the exception of Candy Land. I spoke with the Manger at the Toys R Us in Florence, Kentucky and the Manager the stores are getting a truck in every night which will include board games. Their advice was to be there when the doors opened in the morning. Sooooo, be there when the doors open...grab your little basket and head straight to the board games isles. Do not pass go, etc. etc. etc. Play nice in the sandbox with the other customers and everyone will come out ahead in the end.

And boy do I have a deal to tell you about tonight for CVS this next week. Glade products will be on sale. Woo Hoo

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